RV Makeover- Old & Outdated to Glamper & Fabulous!

So, it has begun. Our journey with the RV. At first, we considered purchasing the “perfect” RV with all the bells and whistles. Then, we saw the price tag and thought there must be another way. Not to mention in this strange COVID year, inventories were very low!

Enter “Plan B”. We decided to purchase a used RV and just fix it up instead. This is where our story truly begins. Our “Plan B”…

My Mother-In-Law and Father-In-Law decided it was time for an upgrade so we offered to buy their old RV. After “she” rolled up that day, I said to the family, every great vessel is named. Let’s think up a great name. Given this was inspired by our strange COVID year, we all agreed to name her “Carole” after a documentary we binge-watched with the rest of America (admit it, you loved it). Not naming the series but she is now known as “The Carole”. It’s official, she is roadworthy and has an awesome name!

Meet Carole!

As you can see, we decided to do the renovations inside a building. This made the process much easier. More postings soon to reveal her transformation. It is dramatic!

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